Heroes vs Villains is Finally ... Changing

   With this month’s update, we’re completely reworking the targeting system in Heroes vs Villains. Now, defeating an enemy hero will add a point to your team’s elimination score, regardless of which one you defeat.

   With these new mechanics, the mode will no longer be a first to 10 target eliminations. Instead, the first team to reach 25 eliminations will be the victors of the match.

   We will also update the achievement for eliminations to reflect this change. It will now unlock upon eliminating 50 enemies in HvV rather than be tied to target eliminations.

   Thanks for the feedback on this one! This is one of the many changes we’ve made (and will continue to make) to the game that have been based directly on what players are asking for and talking about. Once this update goes live, let us know what you think!

    With your constant feedback, we plan to continue evolving the Heroes and Villains game modes as well as the iconic characters themselves, including another change that will be seen in this month’s update. We’re adding more versatility to Boba Fett’s jetpack this month, including in-air recoveries! More details on this will be shared in this month’s release notes.


Charlemagne, signing off.

Source aka Original Post :  https://battlefront-forums.ea.com/discussion/136709/community-transmission-heroes-vs-villains-changes/p1

Personal Opinion

Great News and to the right direction but i have to say that i would like to see and some additions with changes

Gamers who are playing these types of gamemodes are mostly have a competitive type of character and they want to see what they succeeded in-game in ... a ladder online.

 Of course it is something more optional than necessary but i am sure it will help a lot to create community with daily fanatic fans of this game-mode

  Other than that i never stopped thinking that  Heroes vs Villains needs a ban system on hero pick-up procedure but since it is not an esport game-mode ... yet this update can wait, but  i hope HvV in the future become a free to play e-sport game except than a gamemode inside Star Wars Battlefront II since it has all the possibilities to be an e-sport game and connected with a free to play version of the game ;) .

  You like it or not esport gaming is the most famous gaming type among gamers and to all ages but it needs a huge support, mostly out of the game development !!! 

  So, the game is changing and changes most of the times are for the good of the game . who knows maybe one day this Targeting system doesn't exist at all and it has replaced with something else ... a better system for HvV gamemode !
